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Bloodlines in our kennel
Some of the Bloodlines in our Kennel
Kara Kingdom Boerboels does not own these dogs.
Elevation Ghetto Rough 87.9
Terrible Twins Boerboels
Klein Sandfontein Benji 91,4
Klein Sandfontein Boerboel
Klein Sandfontein The Mack Attack
Klein Sandfontein Boerboel
Breker Fanus 85.8
Kadima Boerboele
Groenberg Rambo 92
Elevation Boerboels
Terrible Twins Ghetto Hero 84.2
Terrible Twins Boerboels
Spitsvuur Ramkat 94.7
Spitsvuur Boerboele
CDH Thunder 85.6
CDH Boerboele
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